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Do You Need a Breast Reduction? 7 Signs to Consider

Starting from chronic aches to prying eyes, women undertake breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, for a wide range of reasons. However, there is a lot of false information out there due to which it becomes difficult to identify the symptoms and signs that breast reduction is right for you. Fortunately, doctors and other healthcare experts help.

Tingling and Numbness in the Fingers and Hands

If the breasts are abnormally large, they pull on the torso and negatively impact the position of the neck. This paves the way for nerve pain that moves down from the upper extremities. You end up having numbness or a continuous tingling sensation in the fingers and hands, and you cannot perform the daily chores properly.

Grooving Bra Strap

Do you feel that the entire weight of the world is on your shoulders? If yes, it may be time to opt for breast reduction. According to the top-notch experts, among all the physical symptoms, the most common one is bra strap marks that burn and are tender to touch. Instead of suppressing this discomfort, please talk to a doctor.

Postural Changes and Shoulder Pain

If you have large breasts, you will notice that your posture changed over time and that you are having frequent shoulder pains. The weight of the breasts forces you to slouch and not sit straight. However, as postural changes may happen due to other factors, it is good to seek professional assistance. Do not allow the change to exacerbate.

Less Nipple Sensitivity

Large breasts can impact nipple sensitivity to a great extent. When your breasts are disproportionate to the rest of the body, the nipple sensation alleviates because the pull or strain of the breasts puts the nerves under immense tension. If you suffer from this issue, please get in touch with a doctor immediately.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is also an effect of large breasts. Just imagine how hard it will be to carry a five-pound dumbbell tied around your neck all the time. The breasts pressurize the neck, and within a couple of years, you get chronic pain. Instead of popping pills, go under the knife as soon as possible.

Sweating, Rashes, and Chafing under the Breasts

The larger the breasts, the more it will sweat during the summer season or when you are exercising. When the sweat accumulates for a prolonged period, it causes itchy rashes and chafing. Rather than slathering ointments or bidding a farewell to the gym, do something to reduce the size of the breasts.

Yeast Infections under the Breasts

Even though many may not know, women can contract yeast infections under their breasts. Women with large breasts are more at risk because the crease of the breasts often rubs against the fabric of the clothes. Talking to a specialist and looking out for a solution seems mandatory.

If you are suffering from any of the undesirable signs stated above, please consider going through a breast reduction surgerySchedule an appointment with a board-certified practitioner, who keeps pace with the trends emerging now and then, takes clientele requirements into account, and maintains safety under all circumstances. Do not choose someone randomly, or else you have to regret it.