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How to Help the Botox Effects Last Longer? Consider Six Tips

Almost all individuals want to retain their youthful appearance for a prolonged period. While investing in popular beauty products, maintaining a balanced diet, drinking enough water, exercising, and sleeping for at least eight hours in the night helps, for a fast outcome, Botox seems like the only choice.

Botox could be defined as an anti-aging cosmetic treatment that paralyzes the facial muscles to remove wrinkles, creases, crow’s feet, and fine lines. According to the FDA, it also contributes to the physical wellbeing by curing a series of medical conditions. Major ones among the lot include hyperhidrosis, migraine, neck spasms, and overactive bladder.

If an individual has already got Botox done from a board-certified practitioner, he or she must try to make the effects long-lasting. A few tips that may help are as follows:

  1. Move the Muscles at the Injected Site After Administration

Moving the muscles by smiling, grinning, frowning, and making other silly expressions help the medication to settle down seamlessly. These would not have any sort of adverse impact on your skin.

Even though being expressive is beneficial, do not go overboard with a full-fledged facial massage. Rubbing the face or indulging in strenuous workout sessions provides the medication access to unwanted areas.

Refrain from applying OTC skin products. These contain fragrances, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, and formaldehyde, all of which irritate the skin or causes allergies.

The ultraviolet radiation is primarily responsible for premature wrinkles, which Botox cannot cure since it does not reach the underlying muscles. Avoid sun and artificial tanning beds for a few days. If you have to venture out, please wear protective clothing and slather a substantial amount of sunscreen.

Eat only unprocessed, whole foods. Sugar tends to bind the elastin and collagen, preventing them from keeping the skin healthy. Berries are believed to be highly advantageous as they possess abundant antioxidants. Limit dairy intake because it leads to inflammation.

You can lengthen the benefits of Botox and all other cosmetic treatments by making sure you remain hydrated all the time. Water regulates the body temperature, flushes out toxins, and keeps the skin lubricated.

Quit smoking and drinking. Nicotine is known for constricting the blood vessels, and not enough moisture reaches the skin, compelling it to look dull. Alcohol and caffeinated beverages dehydrate the skin. They also slow down healing by increasing the chances of bleeding.

Besides the tips mentioned above, undertaking a maintenance treatment regimen can also extend the lifespan of the effects to a great extent. That being said, understand when it is excess. Too many procedures done simultaneously compel the muscles to reject Botox or react negatively.

Being patient is outright necessary. The individuals cannot expect to notice the improvements overnight. According to several studies, the face will start glowing or appearing flawless after a week or so. In the meantime, please do resume all the day-to-day activities.

If one is not happy with the outcome, he or she can opt for a revision again after at least two months. This allows the skin to be prepared.