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Know the Six Tips to Speed Up Rhinoplasty Healing

Based on the work you are planning on getting done, rhinoplasty is a complicated procedure that needs maximum precision, skill, and patience. However, predicting a definite rhinoplasty healing timeline can be challenging even for the most efficient practitioner. Healing timelines vary from patient to patient, but there are a couple of things you may do to ease the discomfort. Continue reading for useful tips that would surely facilitate rhinoplasty healing.

1.Be Aware of the Side Effects

The experts performing rhinoplasty Fairfax VA said right after the nose reshaping, you will notice several different side effects such as slight bruising beneath the eyes and redness. If these do not subside within a week, you must contact your practitioner. In the beginning, you may feel a little soreness. If you feel extreme pain to the point where you cannot return to your day-to-day activities, you must let your practitioner know.

2. Never Blow the Nose

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it requires emphasis. Do not blow your nose for the first five weeks following the rhinoplasty procedure. During this period, you will suffer from intense congestion because of blockages in the nasal passage. Still, do not blow your nose. Instead, ask your doctor about using saline sprays that could clear the mucus buildup.

You must also not let anything come into contact with your nose, such as face masks, sunglasses, jewelry, etc. Resist the urge to scratch an itch. Even the tiniest point of contact can cause harm.

3. Reduce Inflammation with Cold Compresses

The experts offering rhinoplasty and blepharoplasty Chevy Chase said that during the first week following the surgery, you must apply a cold compress to the face to reduce inflammation and redness. Never press the compress directly to the nose because the newly treated nose may shift. Apply it to the cheeks.

4. Keep the Head Elevated

For the first few weeks, you must keep your head elevated or in an upright position to enhance the blood flow and prevent further injuries. This means sleeping on a stack of pillows and not turning onto the sides. You must make sure to not displace the nose that is still healing.

5. Maintain a Nutritious Diet

It is significant to maintain a nutritious diet, specifically when recovering from surgery. Eat foods rich in Vitamins C and D, calcium, protein, and have abundant anti-inflammatory properties. The latter keeps swelling down and contribute to the overall healing process.

6. Put On a Nose Cast

Not all patients are required to put on a nose cast during the healing. Nose casts are essential when the patient’s entire nasal structure is broken and then reshaped. In that case, you have to wear a nose cast or splint for at least ten days or as long as your doctor recommends. The nose cast will hold the newly built nasal structure in place until it becomes strong enough to maintain its shape without support.

According to the best plastic surgeon DC, on average, it takes about a year to recover from rhinoplasty. But if you can keep the tips mentioned above in mind and do everything you can to maintain your health, you might alleviate the healing time.