Breast Augmentation

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Newport Beach, Upland and Ontario, CA

Breast augmentation is a procedure during which the breasts are enhanced through the use of an implant or fat transfer. Breast augmentation is the second most popular procedure in the country. (1)

Implants are measured in cubic centimeters (cc) and their sizes can range from 100cc-800cc with most patients opting for a size between 250cc-500cc. (1) There are many different types of implants on the market, but no matter what you’re looking for, Dr. Azra Ashraf can help you look like your best self.

Dr. Azra Ashraf is a double board-certified plastic surgeon at Panache Plastic Surgery. She has over 10 years of expertise. Practicing both on the West and East Coasts, Dr. Ashraf was voted a Top Doctor in Washington DC and now offers life-changing services to patients in Southern California.

To book a breast augmentation with Dr. Ashraf at either one of our convenient Southern California locations, call (949) 899-6673 or fill out our contact form!

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Natural Breast Lift Before & After Patient #1001
Natural Breast Lift Before & After Patient #1001
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About Breast Augmentation

There are many reasons as to why someone might benefit from a breast augmentation. Patients often look to breast augmentation to restore the shape and volume of their breasts, reconstruct their breasts after a mastectomy, and correct deformities. Implants can also be used for male-to-female top surgery. In addition, a patient may look to augment their breasts to enhance their self-esteem and confidence.

At Panache Plastic Surgery, our team of highly skilled staff with countless years of training can help you reach the body goals you’ve always envisioned. Feel like your best self again and book a personal consultation with Dr. Ashraf today!


The most ideal candidates for breast augmentation are those who are looking to:

  • Reconstruct the breasts after a mastectomy
  • Enhance the shape, look, and feel of the breasts
  • Correct deformities or asymmetry

Types of Implants

There are two main types of breast implants used in augmentations: saline-filled and silicone-filled. Both of these materials have their benefits and can help you achieve your dream figure. The type of implant selected is going to be dependent on your consultation with Dr. Ashraf. There, she will help you determine the type and size of the implant based on your goals, physique, and health history.

Implants themselves may either be textured or smooth. (2) The texturing used on certain implants can help prevent unwanted rotation when placed above the chest wall during an augmentation. Texturing can also help prevent capillary contracture, a creation of scar tissue casing around detected foreign objects within the body. (2)

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants are one of two types of breast implants used in breast augmentation. These implants are made of a silicone casing and come pre-filled with a silicone gel. With these implants, visible rippling is less likely to occur for patients who may have thinner skin. Silicone implants can also come in either a round or tear-drop shape. When their gel filling is highly cohesive, they are known as gummy bear implants. Gummy bear implants are designed to mimic the natural shape and feel of breast tissue.

Saline Implants

Saline implants are a type of insert that can be inserted pre-filled or empty into the chest. They consist of a solid silicone shell with a saline filling. These fillings are more prone to rippling but can be inserted into the body with a smaller incision if not pre-filled. Saline implants are highly customizable, being made to fill a range of sizes based on your ideal enhancements.

Breast Implant Procedure

The patient will first be placed under anesthesia as Dr. Ashraf prepares the procedure area. Based on your consultation with Dr. Ashraf, the implants can either be placed above or below the pectoralis muscle, also known as sub-glandular and submuscular, respectively. Each placement has its benefits based on the goals of each patient and their anatomy. There are no placement methods that are uniformly known as the most ideal, as the procedure is determined on a per-case basis between each patient and Dr. Ashraf.

After the implant is set in place, the incisions are stitched up and the patient is monitored by staff as they rest. Breast augmentation surgery is considered an outpatient procedure, which means the patient will typically be released that day. The operation can take anywhere from 45 to 120 minutes.

Fat Grafting

Fat grafting is the process of suctioning up fat cells from the body through the use of specialized equipment and injecting the processed cells back into other parts of the body to augment or enhance their image. (3) After the fat cells are harvested, they are separated from the rest of the blood and prepared to be injected. Fat grafting allows tissue to be augmented and softened in a way that implants do not allow. Fat grafting can allow for more natural enhancements, but it can also be used to mask the edges of implants on those with thinner skin. (3)

Fat Grafting Procedure

In a fat grafting procedure, fat cells are first harvested from donor sites such as the thighs or abdomen through a cannula or a small tube attached to specialized equipment. The tube loosens the fat cells while suctioning them up before the small incisions are closed. (4) After being extracted, the fat is then processed to separate the healthy fat cells from the rest of the material. Small incisions are then made in the breasts before fat is injected, creating a fuller shape.

Fat grafting is ideal for candidates who are looking for a more natural solution to creating a more sculpted body, as the cells are harvested from other parts of the body. Patients looking for a more subtle change or those who are not interested in implants might find fat grafting more suitable for their needs. Fat grafting also leaves the donor sites more toned, combining to create a more contoured figure overall with minimal scarring.

To learn more about fat grafting and other procedures, read Dr. Ashraf’s blog!


Each patient is required to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Ashraf at either her Ontario or Newport Beach location. At this consultation, Dr. Ashraf will go over any questions or concerns you may have and can discuss the type of procedure that suits you best, as well as the location and incision. Each consultation also includes a conversation regarding the cost of the procedure as well as any personalized preparation instructions. No matter what concerns you have, Dr. Ashraf and her expertly trained staff will be able to address them.

To book a consultation with Dr. Ashraf at either one of our Southern California locations, call (949) 899-6673 or fill out our contact form!


To prepare for a breast augmentation, patients will be asked to undergo a medical examination to evaluate their health and medical history.

To prepare for this procedure, patients must be in good health overall and may be asked to avoid eating or drinking a few hours before the procedure. Patients may be asked to quit certain medications and all patients who smoke must be prepared to quit until fully recovered as smoking can slow down the recovery period. Instructions for preparation may vary between patients so it is important to follow the personalized preparation instructions given to you at your consultation.

Results and Recovery

It is important to follow all of the necessary directions given to you by Dr. Ashraf during the recovery period to avoid any healing complications. We recommend that patients take the time to rest after a breast augmentation procedure. Following the procedure, patients can expect to feel a tightness or soreness in the chest as the body gets used to the new placement of the breasts. After two weeks, guests can often return to nonstrenuous activities. The total effects of breast augmentation can be seen in a patient about 3-6 months after the procedure once the swelling subsides and the breasts settle. Patients can return to their full normal activities under Dr. Ashraf’s approval, as the recovery process can look different for each person.

The full timeline of your recovery will be discussed with you before your procedure at your consultation. For any questions regarding your recovery or to schedule a consultation call (949) 899-6673 or fill out our contact form!

Cost of Breast Augmentation in Southern California

Here at Panache Plastic Surgery, we have partnered with reputable plastic surgery financing companies to offer affordable financial plans to our customers. Our partners will help break your payment down into monthly options that can easily be paid. During your consultation, Dr. Ashraf will go over the total cost of your treatment with you so patients have a total understanding of each detail before the start of their procedure.

To find out the cost of your treatment plan, call (949) 899-6673 or fill out our contact form. For more information regarding payment plans, please refer to financing.


  1. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons ® Procedural Statistics Data Insights Partners: 2022 ASPS Procedural Statistics Release.; 2023.
  2. Fardo D, Sequeira Campos M, Pensler JM. Breast Augmentation. PubMed. Published 2021.
  3. Salibian AA, Frey JD, Bekisz JM, Choi M, Karp NS. Fat Grafting and Breast Augmentation: A Systematic Review of Primary Composite Augmentation. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. 2019;7(7). doi:
  4. Bayram Y, Sezgic M, Karakol P, Bozkurt M, Filinte GT. The use of autologous fat grafts in breast surgery: A literature review. Archives of Plastic Surgery. 2019;46(6):498-510. doi:
  5. Hodgins N, Murphy J. Breast augmentation using autologous fat grafting optimised by negative pressure wound therapy. JPRAS Open. 2022;33:122-124. doi: