Droopy eyelid is a tad more serious than it actually may seem. Besides looking old or exhausted, you may also end up suffering from vision problems. Mentioned below are six natural remedies you must implement on a regular basis to get rid of the condition. Please check them out now.
1. Egg Whites
The experts performing plastic surgery in Woodbridge, VA, said egg whites have natural enzymes that prevent droopy eyelids. They enhance elasticity to the greatest extent. Collect the white from one egg and whip it properly before application. Let it dry before washing your face.
2. Chamomile Tea Bags
Chamomile has several anti-inflammatory agents; thus, can cure droopy eyelids in absolutely no time. In order to extract maximum benefits, please keep the tea bags inside the refrigerator fifteen minutes before application. Incorporate this step into your beauty regimen.
3. Ice
Many people admitted that rubbing ice cubes helped with the droopy eyelids. Ice narrows the blood vessels down and lessens the sagginess. You will notice desirable effects within a very short period. You may wash your face using cold water. This restores the lost elasticity too.
4. Cucumber
Cucumbers are not just meant for salads. According to the experts offering rhinoplasty in Alexandria, VA, they can provide the utmost relief from droopy eyelids. All you have to do is put chilled cucumber slices on your eyelids and let them stay for at least 10 minutes. Cucumber has potassium and Vitamin C, both of which are mandatory for skin hydration.
5. Olive Oil
Thanks to the antioxidants, olive oil can fix droopy eyelids. Massage the area encompassing your eyes with lukewarm olive oil and let it stay overnight. Wash your face with cold water the next day. This technique will keep your skin moisturized and provide it with a glowing effect.
6. Grapes
Include grapes in your diet, and eat a bunch every day if you can. Grapes have a substantial amount of resveratrol that slows down or keeps the cellular aging process at bay. This juicy, delicious fruit will surely make droopy eyelids a thing of the past. Of course, you have to be patient.
Owing to the presence of abundant Vitamin C and other necessary nutrients, eye serums also can tighten and rejuvenate your eyelids. Squeeze some product from the tube and massage the area around the eyes thoroughly. Leave overnight and wash it using cold water the next morning.
In case you cannot purchase the eye serums available in the market, please make your own with ingredients found in almost every household. Mix plain yogurt (4 tbsp.), pure aloe vera gel (4 tbsp.), oatmeal (2 tbsp.), and six grated cucumbers to make a thick paste. Apply it for twenty minutes and then rinse.
While the aforementioned remedies have proven effective, medical intervention seems mandatory if you want to see an optimal outcome within a short period. Blepharoplasty aims at fixing droopy eyelids by removing the excess fat, muscle, and skin. When carried out by a board-certified practitioner, it lasts for a good seven years.
After eyelid surgery in Chevy Chase or in any other location, make sure to practice proper aftercare. Avoid strenuous exercises and sleep for the first couple of weeks with your head elevated. Your eyes will look inflamed, especially during the morning. Also, contact your doctor right away to know if you have nausea.